I am a young woman in the early phase of building my career. My message to more senior, experiened professionals is: Mentorship matters. It changed my life. And it will change the lives of those who trust you enough to seek you out for guidance and support.
By Tatiana Simshaeuser
On every journey, the need for guidance is universal. Growth is stunted the moment we assume there's nothing more to learn.
No one is flawless; we all require direction and a fresh perspective to navigate unexplored paths. That's where mentorship becomes invaluable. It offers practical lessons that extend beyond career growth to personal development. This is the key to reaching our full potential.
At The Performance Agency, I am privileged to work with a force of strong women who excel not only in day-to-day work, but also in fostering holistic growth, and recognising every team member as a whole human being.
Women who have given me the life-changing gift of mentorship.
As a young woman navigating the corporate world, mentorship has profoundly shaped my life.
Over the past few years, I have had the opportunity to work closely with mentors who have given freely of their time, their expertise, and their care.
This is my tribute to their mentorship, which is having a huge impact on my life, professionally but also personally.

Tatiana Simshaeuser, Dr El-Karien van der Linde, Maryke Klawansky
Maryke Klawansky was the first senior woman at TPA I had the privilege of working with. She fostered self-acceptance and emphasised the importance of making mistakes, learning from them, but also, crucially, letting them go and building forward.
She continues to be a friend, a confidante, and a support.
In 2023, I started working closely with Dr El-Karien van der Linde, an experience that came at the perfect time in my journey. El's presence in my life sparked huge growth in my confidence, which has translated into better overall performance.
She not only believed in me, she actively supported my goals, offering opportunities beyond my comfort zone. She encouraged me to confront challenges and above all, she embraced and helped me accept myself, which was a crucial factor in the shift of my confidence. Without her support, I don’t believe this shift would have been possible.
My greatest mentor and the person with the greatest impact on my journey has been TPA Managing Director, Natalie Maroun.
Natalie is, quite simply, a formidable force. She transcends being just a leader; she is the heartbeat and embodiment of TPA's culture. Leading by example, she personifies every value, and her personal investment in the individuals shaping this business, including me, is profound.

Her mentorship has been instrumental, she has provided me with invaluable tools to navigate my professional journey. She has made me acutely aware of owning my space and honing my presentation as a professional woman in the workplace.
Suffice to say, she has been more than just a mentor - she is a role model.
Each of these phenomenal women have empowered me to craft my own path, because mentorship bridges more than theoretical and practical knowledge. It connects your personal and professional development.
Embracing the mentorship journey has been life changing, and I am becoming a better version of myself every day. As I learn and grow, I aspire to pay this experience forward, shaping others' journeys as mine has been shifted and shaped.